A Badge of Honor : B Corp Re-Certification
After a year-long process, we are finally B Corp re-certified – which we’re wearing as a badge of honor! Consumer pressure and Industry demands generate an urgency to integrate sustainability issues into the business. It is the top priority for every business. By...
Stockholm+50 sees the presentation of SGA’s study on strategic sustainability framework.
June 06, 2022, Stockholm. It has been 50 years since the first UN global environmental conference started in Stockholm with the outcome "A common outlook and common principles to inspire and guide the peoples of the world in the preservation and enhancement of the...
Catolica University’s INSURE HUB: SGA kicks-off with strategic sustainability
Unlike our usual assignments, which take place behind closed doors within businesses to help them transform towards Future Fitness, this event has no non-disclosures or privacy concerns. We from SGA were invited to share our expertise for the purpose of raising...
SGA contribution to UN Global Chemicals Outlook II synthesis report
April 1, 2019, Montevideo, Uruguay. Today, the full Global Chemicals Outlook II (advance version) was launched during the third meeting of the Open-ended Working group of the International conference on Chemicals management...
Without Chemistry There Can Be No Circular Economy – The Imperative Of A New Perspective
By Elze van Hamelen. The transition to a sustainable society entails tremendous challenges when it comes to chemicals and materials management. While the chemical sector has made great improvements in controlling acute dangers, materials are not adequately managed...